National Industrial Recovery

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Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), 111, 132, 138 Allied collaboration Casablanca Conference (1943), 246–54 early discussions, 224–25 FDR-Stalin meeting proposals, 258–59, 262, 267 First Cairo Conference (1943), 271–74 First Washington Conference (1941), 214–18 Fourth Moscow Conference (1944), 342, 346–47 Hopkins’s role, 240 Molotov US visit, 227–29 mutual mistrust and, 6, 8–9, 224–25, 278, 313–14, 358 North Africa invasion and, 234 Potsdam Conference (1945), 370–71, 374–75 Quebec Conference (1943), 265 Second Moscow Conference (1942), 234–37 Second Quebec Conference (1944), 343, 346 Second Washington Conference (1942), 229–32 Standley on, 266–67 Third Washington Conference (1943), 259–62 See also postwar visions; Tehran Conference; Yalta Conference Applebaum, Anne, 167 Argenzio, Joseph L., 330 Arnold, Henry “Hap,” 282 “arsenal of democracy” speech (FDR), 186–87 Atlantic Charter (1941), 197 Atlantic Conference (1941), 195–97 atomic bomb, 231, 357, 370–71, 372–73 Barbusse, Henri, 168 Bataan Death March, 221 Belair, Felix, Jr., 164 Berger, Albert, 206 Beria, Sergo, 291 Berle, Adolf, 89 Biddle, Francis, 222 Birse, Arthur H., 282, 283, 307, 308, 310, 350 Bohlen, Charles, 282, 283, 287, 299, 305, 313–14, 350–51 Bonus Army, 97–99 Boobbyer, Philip, 167 Bradley, Omar, 323, 331 Brady, Dorothy Jones, 162 Brandeis, Louis, 138 Braun, Eva, 369 Breitman, Richard, 160 Brezhnev, Leonid, 385 Brooke, Alan, 277, 280, 286, 294–95, 297, 307–8, 317 Bruenn, Howard, 338, 362, 364–65 Bryan, William Jennings, 43, 47, 48 Bush, George H. W., 385, 387 Bush, George W., 385 Butler, Michael A., 109 Byrnes, James, 351 Cadogan, Alexander, 236–37 Camalier, Renah F., 58 Campobello, 21–22 Canada, 265, 329 Casablanca Conference (1943), 246–54 French leadership and, 250–51 press statement, 251–52 on unconditional surrender, 251–53 Cermak, Anton, 91, 112–13 Chamberlain, Neville, 148–49, 150, 165, 170–71, 176 Chiang, Madame, 272 Chiang Kai-shek, 272, 357 China Pacific War and, 184, 284 postwar visions and, 272–73, 292 Churchill, Clementine, 152, 234, 317 Churchill, Randolph (son of Winston Churchill), 247 Churchill, Winston Atlantic Conference (1941), 195–97 on Battle of Stalingrad, 253 Blitz and, 182 Darlan deal and, 245, 246 death of FDR and, 368–69 de Gaulle and, 250 first lord of the Admiralty position, 170–71 Fourth Moscow Conference, 342, 346–47 joint strategy and, 220 on Nazi Germany, 148, 149, 150–52, 153, 156 on North Africa invasion, 229, 231, 232–33, 234 Operation Overlord planning and, 324–25 opposition to second front, 229, 231, 249, 262–63 Pearl Harbor attack (1941) and, 207–8 personal characteristics, 152–53 post-Tehran pneumonia, 316–17 as prime minister, 176 response to Operation Overlord, 334 Second Moscow Conference, 234–37 on Sicily invasion, 263 on Soviet Union invasion, 193 Tehran motivations of, 2 on unconditional surrender, 252 on US responses to World War II, 177, 190 World War I and, 51 See also Allied collaboration; Churchill-FDR working relationship; Tehran Conference Churchill-FDR working relationship Atlantic Conference (1941), 195–97 Casablanca Conference (1943), 246–54 Churchill’s first lord of the Admiralty position and, 171 First Cairo Conference (1943), 271–74 First Washington Conference (1941), 214–18 Second Quebec Conference (1944), 343, 346 Second Washington Conference (1942), 229–32 Stalin’s response to, 261–62 strength of, 275 Tehran Conference and, 310–11 Third Washington Conference (1943), 259–62 See also FDR’s concessions to Stalin Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 132–33 Civil Liberties Act (1988), 223 Civil Works Administration (CWA), 133 Clark, Mark, 245 Cleveland, Grover, 87 Clinton, Bill, 385 Cold War, 375–76, 378, 387 colonialism, 196–97, 225, 281, 357 Cook, Blanche Wiesen, 134 Cook, Nancy, 74, 75 Cooke, Alistair, 215 Coolidge, Calvin, 56, 73 Cox, James M., 55–56 Cravens, Hamilton, 84 Cross, Lillian, 112–13 cross-Channel invasion. See Operation Overlord; second front Cuba, 387 Cuff Links Gang, 58, 66–68 Cummings, Homer, 112 Daladier, Édouard, 149 Daniels, Josephus, 43, 45, 47, 56 Darlan, Jean-François, 243. See also Darlan deal Darlan deal, 243, 244–46, 248, 250 Davidson, Eugene, 146 Davies, Joseph, 259, 267 Deane, John R., 378 de Gaulle, Charles, 243, 250–51, 354 Delano, Franklin (FDR’s uncle), 61–62 Delano, Laura (FDR’s cousin), 362 Dewey, Thomas, 340, 344 Dickerman, Marion, 74, 75 Dirksen, Everett, 213 Douglas, William O., 340–41 Early, Stephen death of FDR and, 365 FDR’s health and, 337–38 FDR’s polio and, 66–68 FDR’s vice-presidential campaign and, 58 Pearl Harbor attack (1941) and, 205 presidential campaign (1940) and, 180 as press secretary, 107–8, 127, 129 Eden, Anthony, 282 Eisenhower, Dwight D. on Allied military strategy, 224 on atomic bomb, 371 Bonus Army and, 98–99 Casablanca Conference and, 247–48, 249 Churchill’s post-Tehran pneumonia and, 316–17 Cold War and, 375 Darlan deal and, 243, 244–46, 248 health problems, 58 humble roots of, 14 Khrushchev and, 384, 385, 387 North Africa invasion and, 24–25, 233–34, 241, 242–43 Operation Overlord command decision and, 271, 305, 316 Operation Overlord planning and, 321–27 on possibility of victory, 336 presidential campaign (1952), 191 report on Operation Overlord, 331–32 Sicily invasion and, 260, 263–64 speechwriters and, 118 Tehran Conference and, 270, 271 VE Day and, 370 War Department organization and, 218–19 Eisenhower, John, 334 Eisenhower, Mamie, 334 Ellerton, John, 368 Elliott, George, 205 Emergency Banking Relief Act (FERA), 132 Eubank, Keith, 278 Farley, James A. presidential campaign (1932) and, 88–89, 92, 93, 100 presidential campaign (1940) and, 179–80, 181, 182 presidential campaign (1944) and, 341–42 Fazzio, Richard, 328 FDR’s concessions to Stalin, 372–79 Churchill’s responses to, 3, 7–8, 262, 285–86, 291, 300–301, 309–11, 359 Cold War and, 375–76, 383–84 expectation of time and, 372–73, 374 FDR’s health problems and, 359, 373 FDR’s personal characteristics and, 309, 374, 375–76 FDR-Stalin meeting proposals and, 262 Harriman on, 267 historical parallels, 382–83, 384–86 Hopkins and, 9–10, 301 Kennan on, 374 Operation Overlord and, 373 optimism and, 9–10, 259, 275–76, 378 Pacific War and, 3, 275 Potsdam Conference and, 374–75 Reagan on, 378–79 Stalin’s personal characteristics and, 6–7 Stalin’s postwar behavior and, 376–78, 384 Standley on, 266–67 strategic reasons for, 3, 275, 310, 314, 373, 376 teasing Churchill and, 299–301, 309–11 Tehran Conference residence and, 4, 278 FDR’s personal characteristics aristocratic roots, 14 concessions to Stalin and, 374 loneliness, 162, 240 love of golf, 21–22, 45–46 optimism, 15, 65, 70–71, 82, 259, 275–76, 378 polio and, 65, 67–68, 69–71, 87 self-regard, 15, 57, 76, 149 storytelling ability, 239 FDR’s polio, 14, 60–71 children’s reaction to, 63–65 Cuff Links Gang reaction to, 66–68 diagnosis of, 61–63 Howe’s support, 65, 66 New York governorship and, 78–79 onset of, 60–61 personal characteristics and, 65, 67–68, 69–71, 87 presidential campaign (1932) and, 90, 100 Sara Delano Roosevelt’s reaction to, 66 Smith’s nomination speech (1924) and, 72–73, 74 Tehran Conference and, 6 treatments for, 68, 69 FDR’s presidency, 104–14 assassination attempt (1933), 112–13 British royal visit, 162–65 cabinet/aide relationships, 136–37 cabinet appointments, 106–12 defense plant tour (1942), 241 ER’s independence and, 135–36, 240 fireside chats, 130–32, 169–70, 186, 223–24 first hundred days, 132–33 Hopkins’s role, 161–62, 239–40 Howe’s death, 138–39 inauguration (1933), 117–20, 123–26 inauguration (1937), 140 inauguration (1941), 187–88, 190 inauguration (1945), 345–46 Leahy’s role, 237–38 midterm elections (1942), 242 press relationships, 127–30 Shangri-La retreats, 238–39 speech-writing process, 117–22, 185–86 Supreme Court opposition, 137–38 transition, 104–6, 113–14, 122–24 war leadership style, 237 White House environment, 133–35 FDR’s responses to World War II aid to the Soviet Union, 193–95, 227, 228–29, 257, 258 “arsenal of democracy” speech, 186–87 Blitz and, 183–84 Churchill messages, 177, 190 Darlan deal and, 245–46, 248 defense plant tour (1942), 241 envoys to Great Britain, 188–89 fireside chats, 223–24 “Four Freedoms” speech, 186, 187 Japanese American internment, 222–23 Lend-Lease Act, 190–92, 194, 208, 227 Neutrality Act (1939), 172–74 North Africa invasion and, 244 Operation Overlord and, 332–34 Pearl Harbor attack (1941) and, 205, 210–12 presidential campaign (1940) and, 184–85 unconditional surrender, 251–53, 288 US declaration of war, 208–13 US-Japanese negotiations (1941), 198–202 US military preparedness, 174–75, 188 fireside chats, 82, 130–32, 169–70, 186 First Cairo Conference (1943), 271–74 First Washington Conference (1941), 214–18 Ford, Gerald, 222–23 “Four Freedoms” speech (FDR), 186, 187 Fourth Moscow Conference (1944), 342, 346–47 France Casablanca Conference and, 250–51 postwar visions and, 353–54 Stalin on, 280, 288 Vichy, 243, 244–46, 248, 250 Fredendall, Lloyd, 242 Free French. See de Gaulle, Charles Garner, John Nance, 89, 92, 93, 94–95, 178, 181 Garry, Thomas, 181 George VI (king of England), 162–65, 182, 324 Germany Cold War and, 375, 384 postwar visions and, 288–89, 312–14, 352, 376 See also Nazi Germany Giraud, Henri, 244, 250, 251 Glass, Carter, 109–10 Glass-Steagall Act, 132 gold standard, 109 Golway, Terry, 81 Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 14, 69 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 297, 385, 386 Great Britain Blitz, 182–84 empire of, 196–97, 225, 281, 357 Hopkins as envoy to, 188–89, 195–96 Iran and, 276, 304 US aid to, 190–92, 208, 232 US royal visit, 162–65 See also Allied collaboration; Churchill, Winston; World War II Great Depression, 83–86 Bonus Army and, 97–99 FDR’s presidency and, 112 fireside chats and, 130–32 Nazism and, 147 presidential campaign (1932) and, 89–90, 102 See also New Deal Gromyko, Andrei, 262 Groom, Winston, 265 Groton School, 19–21 Gunther, John, 129 Halloran, Walter, 330 Hannegan, Robert, 340–41 Harding, Warren, 56, 57, 58 Harriman, W. Averell as ambassador to the Soviet Union, 266–67, 268 Casablanca Conference and, 251 Churchill’s birthday dinner and, 306–7 on Declaration of the Three Powers, 316 as envoy to Great Britain, 189, 192, 207 First Washington Conference and, 214 Nazi Tehran plot and, 277, 278 on Operation Overlord command, 295 postwar visions and, 312–13 presidential campaign (1944) and, 344 Second Moscow Conference and, 236 slights to Churchill and, 291 Soviet diplomacy and, 226 Tehran Conference and, 7, 282, 295 Yalta Conference and, 351 Hearst, William Randolph, 89, 94, 95 Hickok, Lorena, 129, 133–34 Hicks, George, 332 Hindenburg, Paul von, 146, 147 Hindley, Meredith, 24 Hirohito (emperor of Japan), 201–2 Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings (1945), 371, 372 Hitler, Adolf background of, 144–45 death of, 369–70 FDR telegrams and, 154–55, 158 philosophy of, 145, 147–48 popularity of, 146–47 Soviet nonaggression pact, 165–66 See also Nazi Germany; World War II Hitler-Stalin Pact (1939), 165–66 Hoover, Herbert Bonus Army and, 97–99 election of, 80 FDR’s inauguration and, 123–24, 125 Great Depression and, 83, 84, 85–86 presidential campaign (1932) and, 90, 91–92, 99, 101–2 presidential transition and, 104–6, 113–14, 122–24 Hoover, J. Edgar, 222 Hopkins, Harry Atlantic Charter and, 195–96 Casablanca Conference and, 247, 249–50 as envoy to Great Britain, 188–89, 195–96 as envoy to Stalin, 193–94 FDR’s concessions to Stalin and, 9–10, 301 on Fourth Moscow Conference, 346–47 marriage of, 240 Marshall and, 260, 261 presidential campaign (1940) and, 180, 181 Soviet diplomacy and, 226 speech-writing process and, 185, 186, 187 support role of, 161–62, 239–40 Tehran Conference attendance, 282, 307 Tehran Conference travel and, 270 wartime fireside chats and, 223 Yalta Conference and, 348, 349, 351, 352–53, 354, 359–60 Hopkins, Robert, 247, 270 Howe, Louis McHenry death of, 138–39 elections (1912) and, 42 ER’s independence and, 74, 135 FDR’s assistant navy secretary tenure and, 44 FDR’s marriage and, 53 FDR’s New York governorship and, 78 FDR’s polio and, 61, 65, 66, 74 first meeting with FDR, 39–40 first presidential term and, 106–7, 110, 126 inaugural address and, 119 presidential campaign (1932) and, 88, 92, 96, 103 vice-presidential campaign and, 57, 58 Hughes, Charles Evans, 124, 188 Hull, Cordell, 108–9, 159, 198–202, 203–5, 246, 268 Hull Note (1941), 201, 203 Husky. See Sicily invasion Ickes, Harold, 110–11 Iran, 276, 303–4. See also Tehran Conference Ismay, Hastings, 282 Italy, 149, 177–78, 184 Sicily invasion, 249, 258, 260, 263–65 Jacob, Ian, 237 Japan Nomura negotiations, 198–202 Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 203–14 Tripartite Pact (1940), 184 See also Pacific War Johnson, Hiram, 207 Jordan, David M., 340 Katyn Forest massacre, 312 Kennan, George, 374 Kennedy, John F., 80, 118, 387 Kennedy, Joseph, 160, 177, 183 Khrushchev, Nikita, 192–93, 384, 385 Kim Jong Un, 381–83, 384, 385–86 Kimmel, Husband E., 213 King, Mackenzie, 265 Kissinger, Henry, 46 Knox, William Franklin “Frank,” 175, 205 Koenig, John H., 207 Konoe, Fumimaro, 199 Kristallnacht (1938), 158–59 Kurusu, Saburo, 200, 201, 203–4 Landon, Alf, 139 Lasker, Albert, 56 League of Nations, 55, 56 Leahy, William North Africa invasion and, 243 Tehran Conference and, 286, 294, 295, 303 War Department organization and, 237–38 Yalta Conference and, 348, 356, 358 LeHand, Marguerite “Missy,” 68, 75–76, 133, 162, 172, 180 Leigh-Mallory, Trafford, 323, 325 Lend-Lease Act (1941), 190–92, 194, 208, 227, 258 Lenin, V. I., 166, 167 Leuchtenberg, William, 86 Lichtman, Allan, 160 Lindbergh, Charles, 160–61, 171–72, 191 Lippmann, Walter, 141 Lockard, Joseph, 205 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 190 Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 53 Lovett, Robert, 62 Lunghi, Hugh, 282, 287, 377 Lusitania sinking (1915), 48 Lynch, Thomas, 58 MacArthur, Douglas, 98–99, 125, 174, 221, 343, 348 Mack, John, 35 Maisky, Ivan, 352 Malenkov, Georgy, 192–93 Marshall, George C. on Allied military strategy, 224 Casablanca Conference and, 247, 249, 250 North Africa invasion and, 233 Operation Overlord and, 332, 336 Operation Overlord command and, 260–61, 271, 295, 305, 316 Tehran Conference attendance, 282 US-Japanese negotiations (1941) and, 201 US military preparedness and, 174, 188 War Department organization and, 218–20 Yalta Conference and, 353 Marshall, Katherine, 219 Marshall, Thomas R., 57 McAdoo, William, 95 McCarthy, Charles H., 58 McDuffie, Lizzie, 163–64 McIntyre, Marvin, 58, 288, 302, 338, 339, 365 Meacham, Jon, 215–16 Mein Kampf (Hitler), 145 Mercer, Lucy death of FDR and, 362, 363–64, 366 ER’s Red Cross volunteering and, 50–51 FDR’s affair with, 53–54, 76 FDR’s renewed affair with, 338–39, 366 hiring of, 45 Midway, Battle of (1942), 231 Miller, Earl, 135–36 Mills, Ogden, 105, 106, 122 Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi (shah of Iran), 303–4 Moley, Raymond inaugural address and, 117, 118, 119 presidential campaign (1932) and, 89–90, 94, 95–96, 100–101, 102 presidential campaign (1936) and, 138 presidential transition and, 105–7, 108, 109, 110, 113 Molotov, Vyacheslav on FDR’s postwar visions, 372 FDR-Stalin meetings and, 292 Harriman and, 268 on Hitler-Stalin Pact, 165–66 Lend-Lease Act and, 227–28 on Nazi Tehran plot, 277 on Poland, 355 on second front pressure, 257 Second Moscow Conference and, 235 on Tehran Conference, 276 Tehran Conference attendance, 282, 292 on Truman, 374–75 Monnet, Jean, 186 Montgomery, Bernard Law, 263, 264, 322–23, 336 Moos, Malcolm, 118 Moran, Lord (Charles Wilson), 359 Morgenthau, Henry, Jr. appointment of, 110 death of FDR and, 366 FDR Hitler-Mussolini telegram and, 156–57 Japanese American internment and, 222 on Jewish refugees, 159 Marshall and, 220 presidential campaign (1940) and, 178–79 Munich Pact (1938), 148–49, 150–52, 154 Murrow, Edward R., 331 Mussolini, Benito, 149, 264 National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), 133, 137–38 Nazi Germany, prewar policies toward, 148–61 British royal visit and, 163 Churchill on, 148, 149, 150–52, 153, 156 FDR Hitler-Mussolini telegram, 156–58 FDR-Hitler telegrams, 154–56 Munich Pact, 148–49, 150–52, 154 US appeasers, 160–61 US isolationism, 153 Nazi Germany invasion of Poland, 169 persecution of Jews, 144, 145, 147, 148, 158–60 rise of, 145, 146–48, 289 Tripartite Pact (1940), 184 See also Nazi Germany, prewar policies toward; World War II Nesbitt, Henrietta, 134 Neutrality Act (1939), 174 New Deal cabinet appointments and, 108 effectiveness of, 143 first hundred days, 132–33 Great Depression and, 84 Perkins on, 111–12 presidential campaign (1932) and, 94, 96–97 presidential campaign (1940) and, 181 Supreme Court opposition, 137–38, 140, 141 Wallace on, 111 Wilkie on, 179 Nicely, Guy C., 329–30 Nicolaevsky, Boris, 287 Nixon, Richard M., 385 Nomura, Kichisaburo, 198–99, 201, 203–4 Norris, George, 178 North Africa invasion (Operation Torch), 241–46 Churchill’s support for, 229, 231, 232–33, 234 Darlan deal, 243, 244–46, 248, 250 de Gaulle and, 250 Eisenhower’s acclamation for, 249 North Korea, Trump’s outreach to, 381–83, 384, 385–86 nuclear weapons, 373, 378, 384 Nutter, Charles R., 20 Obama, Barack, 385 Operation Desperate, 230–31 Operation Husky. See Sicily invasion Operation Overlord casualties of, 331 Churchill’s opposition, 284–85, 296, 298 Churchill’s response to, 334 Churchill’s visit to battlefront of, 336 command of, 260, 261, 271, 295–96, 305, 316 execution of, 327–31 FDR’s respons